Thursday, 1 October 2020

HR Certification for Freshers

 HR Certification for Freshers

In today’s highly competitive business environment, budget oriented planning or forecast-based planning methods are insufficient for a large corporation to survive and prosper and expansion.

The firm must engage in strategic planning for human resource management that clearly defines objectives and assesses both the internal and external situation to formulate strategy, implement the strategy, evaluate the progress, and make adjustments as necessary to stay on track. A simplified view of the strategic planning process can be defined as follows

  • HR Planning, HR Mission, Objectives
  • Job analysis design
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Training and development
  • Compensation planning and remuneration
  • Motivation, welfare, health and safety
  • Industrial relations
  • Leave Management System
  • Orientation and induction… More

Target Participants / Audience

  • The target groups members are of HR Managers / Managers / Admin/ Leads / Executives /Any :
  • Individuals who require a basic understanding of the corporate strategy framework and how it may be used to enhance the quality or performance of any vertical or domain within an organization.
  • Professionals who are working in an organization that has adapted PM or Senior Roles as manager and who need to be informed about and thereafter contribute in an Quality compliant service management function.
  • HR Managers, HR Executives, Finance Managers, Technical/Project Leads, Business Analysts, Any

Post Completion of the course :

  • Assisting in improving interview skills vis-a-vis six sigma & Quality (Business excellence)
  • Provide exclusive counselling in other areas of improvement.
  • VQMS assist in professional resume preparation

For any query please mail at

Mode of Payment : Payment



VQMS Youtube



Friday, 21 August 2020

Payumoney Harassment - Must read 5 point

Payumoney Payment Gateway- Harassment to end users, HOW ??

Payumoney - is a payment gateway application used widely, and created their market in a very short span of time.

Payumoney is expanding and generating clients by campaigning that they are providing everything for FREE at almost every social media platform. 

But there are few of the things which need to be understood, if one is going to connect with payumoney for using as Payment Gateway for their firm.

1. FearFactor towards mishappening of FRAUD any time.

    Lets suppose individuals are facing any issues, and,

    want to discuss with payumoney representative, so no tolllfree number available, 

    only one mailid given which is thoroughly the intention of the company to respond or not to respond.


3. NO Contact Number / Tollfree no is not available 

   No toll free number is available to be contacted for any issues by the end of the customers.

   Hope the purpose behind no tollfree is to have no direct connect with the individuals, or with the firm, its a fraud process and a cheat process, where the intention is to respond according to the company requirements. Its not a transparent process.

4. Change of Receivers name without any notice

   Payumoney - representatives can change the receivers name

   Lets suppose you have registered for the corporate account, and companies representative have collected all the documents related to company i.e MOA, AOA, CIN, DIN No, Signatures,PAN, Letter Head  during opening of the account, 

Later company can change the account name to Individuals account without any notice or justification.

5. Not accepting PAN no of Govt. registration

   Payumoney representatives are not accepting the PAN number available at Govt. registered website.

   It is thoroughly the intention of the payumoney representatives that they are harassing the individuals or account holder as per their own choice, as no body can contact them, call them, talk to them, and its thoroughly the intention of the representative to respond or not to respond.

Adv. Anuj Goel


Saturday, 11 July 2020

Why Senior exp professional looks for SIX SIGMA MASTER BLACK BELT Certifications

Why Senior exp professional looks for  SIX SIGMA MASTER BLACK BELT Certifications


Master Black Belts are those experts in SIX SIGMA, who are responsible leading team of Six sigma Black Belt, and are also responsible for the strategic deployment of Six Sigma within an organization.

They promote and support improvement activities in all business areas of their organization as well as at suppliers and customers.

Their main responsibilities include:

Providing mentoring and support to Black Belts, Green Belts and Six Sigma teams to use the improvement tools appropriate to a specific problem.

Helping to develop and deploy organizational metrics and dashboards.

Developing, maintaining and revising the Six Sigma curriculum, delivering classroom training, and serving as liaison with external agencies in the delivery of Six Sigma training.

Networking with other Master Black Belts.


Training is a good means to acquire knowledge. Therefore, Master Black Belt training often covers advanced Six Sigma and deployment related topics such as:

DFSS: The DFSS methodology for process and product design, the IDOV (or DMADV) roadmap and selected DFSS tools.

Lean: The Lean approach, major tools used in manufacturing as well as transactional/service environments.

Integration of initiatives: How to align different initiatives in a company such as Six Sigma, ISO9000, balanced scorecard, Lean.

Cross-cultural project leadership: What are cultural issues when dealing with cross-cultural Six Sigma deployments in multi-national companies? How to recognize and approach them.

Strategic project selection and performance management: How to translate a company’s strategy into processes and determine indicators that drive strategy. How to build and report on dashboards.


OVERVIEW consist of learning and Certification as a basic need for Sr. Management Position.

  • Ø Identifying the Need of MBB,
  • Ø Review of key Black Belt topics,
  • Ø Roadmap of Six Sigma implementation in org,
  • Ø Selecting the right projects,
  • Ø Six Sigma key elements – Six Sigma elements where Black Belts and Green Belts commonly need, help,
  • Ø Business Process Reengineering . . . . ..   more


Facilitation skills :

Key elements in Facilitation, Practice sessions on facilitating discussions


Advanced DMAIC :

  • Ø When to change alpha and beta risk values,
  • Ø Regressions
  • Ø Logistic Regression,
  • Ø Multiple Regression
  • Ø Stepwise,
  • Ø Best Subsets,
  • Ø Fractional Factorial,
  • Ø Dealing with Non Normal Data and transformations
  • Ø Non Parametric Tests,
  • Ø Distribution fitting
  • Ø Various types of distributions and
  • Ø applicability to specific situations,
  • Ø Control Charts – Special Charts. . . ..  more


  • Ø Introduction to DFSS,
  • Ø Quality Function Deployment (QFD),
  • Ø innovation techniques
  • Ø LEAN TOPICS (ADVANCED) Value Stream Mapping advanced exercise,
  • Ø Kanban,
  • Ø House of Lean (JIT, JIDOKA, Heijunka),
  • Ø Takt time,
  • Ø Integrating Lean with Six Sigma,
  • Ø Integrating Lean Six Sigma with other approaches. 

Interested Participants or Audiences ?

  • VQMS specifically designed course, meets the requirements of the following:
  • Leaders having sound experience in any industry, with functional expertise of any domain.
  • Highy experienced HR/Admin/ Management team of Organizations
  • Future senior managers (MBA’s) or Heads of any domain or vertical
  • Senior Quality Assurance Engineers, Project Managers, Team leaders, IT or Non-IT Professionals, Practitioners, Software Quality Assurance team members and Senior Management
  • Any other professional members who are doing research, innovations or consulting in process improvement practices.


For any query please mail at  VQMS Pvt Ltd.

·         Website : VQMS Pvt Ltd

·         YouTube: YouTube Channel

·         Instagram  : Instagram

·         Twitter link : Twitter

·         VQMS Facebook Page: Facebook

·         Facebook Album : VQMS-Albums

·         LinkedIn Profile : Linkedin


Monday, 6 July 2020

ISO 31000 Implementation / Lead Implementation Certification

Risk Management System 

ISO 31000 – RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMs Standards is used globally towards identifyin basic risk at any organization . It is used to establish and update your organization’s Quality Management System (QMS). 
ISO QMS Standards applies to all almost types of industries, vertical and Organizations. It doesn’t matter what size they are or what they do have. 

ISO 31000 is a process standard towards Risk management of any organization, it generally help organizations achieve risk standards of process quality that are recognized and respected throughout the world i.e more towards moving from unstructured working over risk management to structured working.

ISO 31000 under ISO family of standards which relates to Risk MANAGEMENT SYSTEMs and is designed to help organizations ensure they meet the needs towards Risk performance at industries,which help towards overall employees performance, further organizational performance. 

Features & benefits of ISO 31000 are as follows :

  • Determine the needs and expectations of customers for RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM at organization
  • Determine the capability of process for customers, as per basic processes implementation
  • Establish 31000 quality policies, quality objectives and management performance
  • Necessary to motivate people to satisfy these needs – related to risk & organizational development
  • Design, implement and manage organizational performance of inter-related processes to implement risk and attain the org. objectives
  • Measure and analyze the effectiveness of each process in fulfilling its objectives, and
  • Pursue the continual improvement of the organizational system from an objective evaluation of its performance

For Consulting and Implementation Assignments : ISO 31000 Risk Management 

  • VQMS conducts pre-analysis – Gaps analysis towards ISO 31000 RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in your organization
  • provides actual plan related to consulting – implementation – Audit Management
  • Executes the plan, been finalized by the client or management.
  • Appx. man days invested will be 8-10, for min 2-4 processes

VQMS Pvt Ltd.   VQMS   VQMS Youtube   Instagram

ISO 45001 implementation/ Lead Implementation Certifications

ISO 45001 Health & Safety Training


ISO 45001 – Health and Safety Management Systems : Standards is used globally towards prevention of Ocupational Health and Harzards at any organization. It is used to establish and update your organization’sQuality Management System (QMS). 

ISO QMS Standards applies to all almost types of industries, vertical and Organizations. It doesn’t matter what size they are or what they do have. 

Latest version, ie ISO 45001 – health and safety management system of the organization is more focussed towards Risk management, it generally help organizations to monitor and manage Health and Safety of employees, and are recognized and respected throughout the world, eg. insurance of the employees – as a necessity by every organization .

ISO 45001 under ISO family of standards which relates to Quality Management Systems and is designed to help organizations ensure they meet the needs of Customers and other Stakeholders towards health and safety. 

Features & benefits of ISO 45001 are as follows :

  • Establish 45001 quality policies, quality objectives and a health and safety related work environment
  • Determine the needs and expectations of customers for ISO 45001 – health and safety management at organization
  • Determine the capability of org. for following ISO 45001, as per basic processes implementation
  • Necessary to motivate people to satisfy these needs – related to organizational Health and safety
  • Design, implement and manage a health and safety system of inter-related processes to implement the safety policy and attain the org. objectives
  • ISO 45001 – Measure and analyze the effectiveness of each process in fulfilling its objectives towards OHSAS, and
  • Pursue the continual improvement of the system from an objective evaluation to its performance

For Consulting and Implementation Assignments :

  • VQMS conducts pre-analysis – Gaps analysis towards ISO 45001 Health and Safety management in your organization
  • provides actual plan related to consulting – implementation – Audit Management
  • Executes the plan, been finalized by the client or management.
  • Appx. man days invested will be 8-10, for min 4-5 processes

Interested Participants or Audiences ?

VQMS specifically designed program, meets the requirements of the following: 

  • Leader of projects in HR/Admin/ Management team of Organizations
  • Managers or Future managers including management students
  • Fresh or exp engineering graduates / MBA’s / Professionals / Job seekers.
  • Quality Assurance Engineers, Team leaders, IT or Non-IT Professionals, Practitioners, Software Quality Assurance team members and Jr /Senior Management
  • Any other professional members who are doing research, innovations or consulting in process improvement practices

For any query please mail at

Mode of Payment : Payment

VQMS Pvt Ltd.


VQMS Youtube


Sunday, 28 June 2020

Generate leads at Linkedin

How to Get Leads at LinkedIn   Instagram


Lead generation is an indispensable part of business , If you want to have paying customers, you need to gather a reliable stream of leads. That’s the bottom line.

But generating leads isn’t as easy as one might think. In fact, it requires quite a bit of finesse and a whole lot of time.

Reports show that 65% of businesses say generating traffic and leads is their top marketing challenge.


That doesn’t surprise me at all. There is encouraging news though.

Marketers now have a lot more avenues to target potential customers. At the forefront of that is social media.

And if we’re talking about the highest-quality leads, LinkedIn is the clear winner.


It’s a bit shocking, I know. You expect a giant like Facebook to be leading the pack. Not in this case. More than 80% of B2B leads social media come from LinkedIn.

That goes to show the power of this platform. Here’s the kicker though: many people are failing at using LinkedIn for lead generation. They’re spending too much time in the process. And they do not see a return on that time investment.

That’s a frustrating problem to have, and I’ll show you how to fix it. Here’s how you can generate leads on LinkedIn without wasting your time.


1. Optimize your profile for connecting




 2. Target the decision makers

3. Follow up with old leads before targeting new ones

 4. Put lead generation on autopilot with content marketing


5. Stop harvesting cold leads

Here’s what many people’s idea of lead generation looks like:

1.       obtain a list of email addresses of people who may or may not be their ideal prospects

2.       send out emails or messages  


6. Craft a convincing opening message

When you reach out to someone you basically have two sentences or so to come across as a professional and explain why you want to connect.


Here’s what a good basic template looks like:

"Hi (name), I came across your profile on LinkedIn and thought we might both benefit from connecting with each other. If you’re open to it, I’d love to connect. Thanks, (your name"


Maybe you’ll see that they are located in a nearby city, so you could change your invite to something like this:

"Hi (name), I came across your profile on LinkedIn and thought we might both benefit from connecting with each other. I see that you work in Austin, and I’m actually just down the road in Georgetown. If you’re open to it, I’d love to connect. Thanks, (your name)."


7. Go premium

8. Join groups where your ideal prospects hang out call




For any query please mail at


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1) Instagram  : Instagram

2) Twitter link : Twitter

3) VQMS Facebook Page: Facebook

4) Facebook Album : VQMS-Albums

5) LinkedIn Profile : LinkedIn

6) Linkedin Company : LinkedIn-company

7) Linkedin Group : LinkedIn-group

    social media sites always and everywhere for our customer’s convenience. 


    You can also visit our Office.